It would seem logical to me that anyone who has a website, has it for a reason - basically to be seen ont he Internet. But building and publishing a website is peanuts - the issue is who is going to find it. The honest answer is - unless you make certain efforts to get visibility - no one will find your website. Do not forget there are over 101 million(1) websites out there so what precisely makes you think they are going to find yours. Virtually impossible.
Next logical question - how do people find websites? Well if you are not amazon.com or a big name no one is going to know that charlie Bloggs has set up (what he considers to be) a fantastic site called www.charliebloggs.com and is going to corner eccommerce sales on "plastic cups". In fact dear Charlie has already made a first mistake and is totally unaware of it. The website name www.charliebloggs.com has absolutely no relevance to what he is going to sell - plastic cups. Now if charlie had been a little more clever he would have done a little research under sites where you can register a domain name and might have been lucky enough to get a domain name like www.plasticcups4u.com. That we will see later would have given him a distinct advantage.
Lesson number 1 Pick a website names that has some relevance to the topic of your site.
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