So yesterday we set our goals to a plan - off-site optimization and on-site optimization and we are going to start with off-site optimization today. This neat little pic shows something I mentioned in the earlier post, Charlie - getting links into your site - you are the red one in the center, Charlie, from other websites. AH, you say, even I have heard about that so I will save myself the trouble and go to a link farm and pay my $19.99 for 135 links to my site.

Charlie that is a great idea if you want your website to disappear from the search engines - such tricks might have worked five years ago but not today. Google and other search engines are clever, very clever old beasts. They can trace if you have links from link-farms and if you do the search engines get very angry because they feel you are cheating. And yes, you are cheating. Secondly if you have no inbound links today and 135 tomorrow, the beasts will raise an eyebrow and think - that's strange, so many inbound links so quickly.

What the search engines really want to see is
organic growth of inbound links. By that I mean 1 this week, two next week, 5 next month, 25 by the end of the year. This is assumes is a natural progression and rewards it accordingly.
Lesson number four Never ever buy inbound links to your site, you will regret it.
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