Hi all, so what do I mean seo matters. First and foremost this blog is for site owners who wish to use every legitimiate means available to get their site seen among te other some 101 million websites out there on the web. SEO is an abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization. So why does it matter that we bother with this complicated stuff. Simply because it really does matter. Here you will learn how a search engine and not a human views your web pages, you will learn what search engines like to see and thus improves your ranking and ultimately your visibility on the web.
This blog is a spin off from another blog I am running on a similar but different topic. I have a blog on traffic exchanges and how useful or useless they are are bringing targeted traffic to your website. Over the past months I noticed I was getting off topic on traffic exchanges and focusing more on search engine optimization issues. Since it makes more sense to be focused on a blog, hence this new baby, seo matters.
So if you are interested and serious about getting more traffic, I tell you now be prepared to invest - not money, but time and patience in getting your website higher listed on Google, Yahoo etc. Be warned - this is work.
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