The pure search engine optimizer will argue simply that if a site is good enough, it will attract visitors by itself. I wonder what they mean by if a site is good enough. Do they refer to content? search engine optimization? What particular features?
I completely discount this theory that you set up a website and just write and within a tolerable space of time you will have lots of visitors if you have chosen a popular niche. My experience is it simply does not happen.
And in this I am not alone. Basically in 2009 - NOT 1999 - and the web moves faster than we want it on account of the money at stake - your site has little chance of getting seen without constant optimizing, constant updating with quality information, constant searching for new sources of relevant inbound links. In other words visibility of a web site - with few exceptions to the existing 100 something million of them - is and will become increasingly hard to achieve and basically a full-time job. The whole issue of visibility is increasingly becoming a long, slow uphill climb wtih the peak at a formidable distance.
I think we have realised too late that the web has changed our lives in many aspects, the desire for visibility is directly proportional to the importance of the Internet in our daily lives. Actual visibility is inversely proportional to the importance the Internet plays in our daily lives.
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