There does seem to be a certain paradox in web publishing at the moment and I am wondering what solution the "big boys" are going to come up with. Now the talk is all about social networking - Get on the web and write your blog and twitter and youtube and facebook it. No problem, we have made all the software so easy to use you do not have to be a rocket scientist to publish a reasonable blog. Just come with the ideas and the good content and we will do the rest for you. Great!
But just a thought. That is fine for getting your words of wisdom on the Net but what about finding them? And that is what I mean by the paradox.
Anyone who publishes on the Internet, does with the intention of being read. But what if yo have to spend more time getting visibility for your website than actually creating the contents. This is a very real prospect as publishing becomes easier but getting found on the net gets incrasingly difficult by the day.
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